
Less than a month

Hey there! How are you?
 I skipped the class today, recently I'm so lazy...
But I will work hard and restart diet!
Because I wanna share my feeling that I don't know what to do for my future even though I have a dream to be a fashion magazine editor.
Many people like me don't know what to do...right??
Maybe you guys have already started to prepare??
oh no...?! I gotta hurry up lol
I'm gonna leave here at May 15th = 30 days to go to NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After that, I'm gonna go to Toronto to see Niagara which I believe it changes my future!!!
And back to Japan I'm gonna get a part time job hopefully at H&M
I really envy you guys coz in japan it's really hard to get a apparel jobs for people who are not skinny.
Why?? We have a right to wear what we want and then make look better, right?

Coco Chanel said Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.
I know that is fair because they don't eat much although they wanna eat.
But What if a hobby is eating?? Like me ..lol

I love Fashion and Eating and Traveling Work hard togther everyone! :)

Have a good night :)*


at Times Square in 1.1.2013

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